CATEGORY: Event TYPE: Enlistment Record DATE: 1 Apr 1943 NOTE:
Clarence L Maciejewski - WWII Enlistment Record Worecester County, Massachusetts
Enlisting at the age of approximately 19 on April 01, 1943, Clarence L Maciejewski was a private in the branch of the Selectees during World War II. At the time of enlistment, Clarence L Maciejewski was single, without dependents, stood 84 inches tall, and had an education level of grammar school. Clarence L Maciejewski was born in 1924 in Massachusetts, and identified as white.
Clarence L Maciejewski
Race White
Birth Year 1924
Age Group
17 - 20
Residence Worecester County, Massachusetts
Place of Birth
Height 84 in.
Civilian Occupation Nonprocess occupations in manufacturing, n. e. c.
Marital Status Single, without dependents
Grammar School
Citizenship Status U.S. Citizen
Service Details
Component Selectees
Enlistment Details
Enlistment Date April 01, 1943
Enlistment Term
Enlistment for duration of War plus six months
Army Serial Number
Note # 1: Got date of death from found online family tree.
Also seen as Massachusetts death record on, but no birtdate associated.
Can't find him on SSDI death index.