CATEGORY: Event TYPE: Intent of Naturalization DATE: 15 Mar 1924 PLAC: Rhode Island
CATEGORY: Event TYPE: Petition for Naturalization DATE: 5 Jul 1928
CATEGORY: Residence DATE: 1920 PLAC: 5 Priscilla Ave Providence, RI
CATEGORY: Residence DATE: 1925 PLAC: Pocasset Ave Johnston, RI
CATEGORY: Residence DATE: 1930 PLAC: 39 Cherry Hill Rd Johnston, RI
CATEGORY: Residence DATE: 1935 PLAC: 39 Cherry Hill Rd Johnston, RI
CATEGORY: Immigration DATE: 1906
Note # 1: Was in the chicken-raising business.
Was in the Ice business
Was in the Oil business
Was in the jewelry business
- Michael would put it together, Elise would go put it on consignment.
Ran an Ice Cream store.