CATEGORY: Residence DESCRIPTION: Woodbine St DATE: 1917 NOTE: From WW1 registration. Note, that Woobine is the next street over from Nabiha's street, Carnation. PLAC: Pawtucket, RI
CATEGORY: Residence DATE: 1925 PLAC: 65 Woodbine St. Pawtucket, RI
CATEGORY: Residence DATE: 1930 NOTE: From 1930 Census. PLAC: 60 Carnation St. Pawtucket, RI
CATEGORY: Residence DATE: 1940 PLAC: 15 Woodbine St. Pawtucket, RI
CATEGORY: Immigration DESCRIPTION: Per Ship Manifest DATE: 27 Nov 1909 NOTE: Ship: Uranium
From Rotterdam., to Halifax, Novia Scotia
With sister Nabiha.
Nearest relative is 'Michel - Father' in Syria.
Going to: Pawtucket, RI PLAC: From Rotterdam
Note # 1: Listed in 1930 Census as 'Joseph' with mabel, and last name as "butbater"
kids are Jennie, James, Mitchell, Mary, Olga.. but Olga is 3 7/12, different
than the olga listed in the 1920 census